1. Virginia Hills streets are highlighted in yellow. Memorial Street, South Kings Highway, Glassell Court, and Benson Drive are actually part of Country Club Estates, Groveton, or Glassellwood.
2. Directions to the Old Virginia Hills School at 6520 Diana Lane: From Dorset Drive, turn onto Diana Lane. The school is on the right.
3. Directions to the Playground: Turn right from Diana Lane into the parking lot of the Old Virginia Hills School. Turn left to go behind the school. You may park at the end of the parking lot to use the playground.
4. Directions to the Virginia Hills Swim Club: Turn off Dorset Drive onto Robinson Drive and the club is on the right.
5. Rose Hill Elementary School is at 6301 Rose Hill Drive near the left margin of the map just above the middle. Beacon Mall is just off the map below the lower right corner, east of Mount Comfort Cemetery.